Welcome Light Co. & Tennessee Navigators!

We're so excited that you've chosen to spend a week with us in the Brentwood neighborhood.  We hope that you have an amazing week joining in with what God is doing in and through our community!

Below you will find a schedule and other key resources that'll be helpful throughout the week. 

Primary Staff Contacts:

Brittany - 608.843.9492

Marc - 904.803.5639


Other Staff Contacts:

Andrew - 414.899.3835

Dani - 904.962.3297

Pastor Barry - 904.228.4094


Sunday 3/15
8AM - Breakfast / Personal Devotions
9AM - Neighborhood Tour (NPSB)
10:15AM - Church (Shiloh)
12:30PM - Lunch
1:30PM - Orientation (Faith UMC)
6:30PM - Dinner

Monday 3/16
8AM - Breakfast / Personal Devotions
9:30AM - Ministry Sites (Schools)
12:30PM - Lunch & Discussion with 2MM Staff (NPSB)
2:30PM - Scavenger Hunt
7PM - Dinner

Tuesday 3/17
8AM - Breakfast / Personal Devotions
9:30AM - Ministry Sites
12:30PM - Lunch (NPSB)
1PM - Discussion with 2MM Staff (NPSB)
2:30PM - Ministry Sites
7PM - Dinner
          Free Time


Wednesday 3/18
8AM - Breakfast / Personal Devotions
9:30AM - Ministry Sites
12:30PM - Lunch / Break
2:30PM - Ministry Sites
7PM - Dinner
          Free Time

Thursday 3/19
8AM - Breakfast / Personal Devotions
9:30AM - Ministry Sites
12:30PM - Lunch & Discussion with 2MM Staff (NPSB)
2:30PM - Ministry Sites
7PM - Dinner

Friday 3/20
Pack Up
Clean Up

Saturday 3/21
Wake Up


Ministry Locations

2nd Mile's location - 
North Pearl St Baptist Church

4003 N Pearl Street


Team Housing - Faith United Methodist Church

4000 Spring Park Road


Other Key Locations: 

Shiloh Baptist Church
1118 W Beaver Street

Brentwood Elementary
3750 Springfield Blvd

North Shore Elementary
5701 Silver Plaza

2nd Mile's Nutritional Garden
535 Basswood Street

The Ville Church
1824 N Pearl St




2nd Mile 101

This week we believe God will work in and through you in transformative ways. Below you can find some notes to help guide your experience with the discussions our staff will lead, the devotional for the week with the extra videos, and a list of suggested resources to help you bring what you learned home and continue on the path of justice and righteousness.

Reading and listening list


  • Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson & Christian Smith

  • Disunity in Christ by Christena Cleveland

  • Generous Justice by Tim Keller

  • When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

  • Pretty much anything by John M. Perkins

Read literature and experience media from outside your experience:

  • Lit (I particularly learn a lot from Richard Wright, Toni Morrison, and Ralph Ellison)

  • Poets (Langston Hughes, Clint Smith)

  • Music (While listening for the cultural expression and experience, not just entertainment)

  • Watch films/tv with non-white protagonists


  • Pass the Mic

  • Code Switch

  • Truth’s Table


Social Media:

  • Two private Facebook groups full of resources:

    • Pass the Mic

    • Be the Bridge to Racial Unity

  • Follow some folks on Twitter: All the authors above, Jemar Tisby, Soong-chan Rah, Adam (A.T.) Tomason, Tyler Burns, Ekemini Uwan, BJ Thompson, Propaganda, Austin Channing Brown, Leroy Barber, Thabiti Anyabwile (!!!), Bryan Loritts, Leonce Crump, Sho Baraka, Carl Ellis, Karen (K.A.) Ellis


Next Steps

If one week wasn't enough, you can always come back! Consider interning with 2nd Mile for a summer or a whole year. As an intern you'll build upon this week's teachings, learn about God's heart for this neighborhood, and ultimately more about yourse…

If one week wasn't enough, you can always come back! Consider interning with 2nd Mile for a summer or a whole year. As an intern you'll build upon this week's teachings, learn about God's heart for this neighborhood, and ultimately more about yourself, God, and others around you. Ask a staff member for more information, or email Marc at marc@2ndmilejax.com