Brentwood Neighbors Forum
From and for brentwooD
Last Tuesday of Each Month
6pm (dinner) 6:30-7:30 meeting
3503 N Pearl Street - The Ville Church
In 2022, a group of local residents started the Brentwood Neighbors Forum, a grassroots group that seeks to:
Amplify the voices, skills, and desires of our neighbors.
Start with the great things in our neighborhood then build on those to see positive transformation in all areas.
Take action to address areas of concern and improvement.
In 2025, our goals include more community events and a Pearl Street corridor improvement plan that we will present to the City.
We meet at 6 pm on the last Tuesday of each month at 3503 N Pearl Street to share a meal and plans for going forward.
We need you to join with your voice, talent, and time!
Sponsored by the Network of Community Partners, 2nd Mile Ministries, and The Ville Church.