2nd Mile Ministries is a Christian community development organization working in the Brentwood neighborhood north of downtown Jacksonville. 


The Plank Project



A special opportunity as part of the Home Campaign where you can have your name or family name inscribed upon a plank that will make up a wooden mosaic art piece on the wall in our completed building.

Gifts of all sizes are welcome and every gift makes an enduring difference as we seek to build towards the full goal needed to complete our renovation.


*Not a finalized image. For example only.

The Home Campaign

Current Image: Phase One for building purchase completed!

We are seeking to partner with other leaders in the neighborhood to develop leaders who will move their own community towards transformation.


2nd Mile engages the Brentwood neighborhood in a wholistic way by equipping, empowering, and supporting the community.


We want every member of our community to know they are valued and loved and we pursue virtual programming with seniors three days per week.


 Want to know what’s happening in Brentwood? Sign up for our monthly community events update emails. Designed for the Brentwood community.